Ikväll läste jag en TT-text (finns även här), och tänkte att jag skulle jämföra med originalet från Reuters. Jämförelsen bjöd inte på några överraskningar - dvs texterna är helt väsensskilda. Följande stycke har tagits bort:
A U.N. report prepared by a team of independent border security experts appeared to confirm Israel's allegations that arms still flow into Lebanon from Syria, despite a ban that the Lebanese border authorities are responsible for enforcing.Däremot har ett nytt stycke lagts till:
Apart from some limited progress in tightening up border monitoring, it said the situation had improved little since a year ago, when the Lebanon Independent Border Assessment Team (LIBAT) made recommendations on improving the situation.
"The overall situation renders Lebanon's borders as penetrable as was the case one year ago," LIBAT's new report said. It did not say it had uncovered specific cases of arms smuggling.
The Lebanese government's rate of progress implementing the previous year's recommendations has been "insufficient" and has "achieved, at most, disconnected islands of progress without a decisive impact on overall border security."
Libanonkriget pågick under 34 dagar 2006 då 1 200 libaneser, merparten civila, och över 160 israeler, varav de flesta soldater, dödades.Likt Palestinagrupperna driver TT linjen att "de det dör flest av har rätt". Behöver man påpeka att det dog fler tyskar än engelsmän under 2:a världskriget?
TT är dessutom noga med att inte ange källor för sina siffror. De israeliska förlusterna är lätt att redogöra för. Den journalist som så önskar kan säkert ta reda på vad samtliga dödade israeler hade för skostorlek...Israel är ett öppet samhälle. Men den merpart civila dödade libaneser TT talar om är och förblir en hörsägen. Ingen vet, och att lita på de siffror Libanon eller Hizbollah serverar hamnar någonstans i skalan mellan naivitet och medlöperi.
Den libanesiska regeringen gjorde inte skillnad på civila och Hezbollahsoldater i siffrorna på antalet döda. Som MyUSTINET skriver:
The report lists the 1,086 dead as "martyrs." It does not differentiate between civilians and Hezbollah combatants, because the government considers them all Lebanese citizens. It also can be difficult to tell a Hezbollah fighter because many do not wear military uniforms.Därför får man gissa utifrån andra källor:
- Hezbollah själva medgav bara ett fåtal stupade. Den 21/7 medgav de att sex soldater dödats (samtidigt som Israel hävdade 100), fyra dagar senare var siffran uppe i 27. Den 21/2 året därpå (2007) rapporterade International Herald Tribune:
More than 1,000 Lebanese were killed during last year's fighting, according to tallies by government agencies, humanitarian groups and The Associated Press. The count includes 250 Hezbollah fighters that the group's leaders now say died during Israel's intense air, ground and sea bombardments in Lebanon. Israel has estimated its forces have killed 600 Hezbollah fighters.
- Telegraph skrev den 4/8 att:
Lebanese officials estimate that up to 500 fighters have been killed in the past three weeks of hostilities with Israel, and another 1,500 injured.
- Den 22/8 skrev Telegraph att:
A UN official estimated the deaths at 500, 10 per cent of the force Hizbollah is thought to muster, not all of whom are front-line fighters.
- MyUSTINET skrev den 28/12 att:
Israel initially said 800 Hezbollah fighters died but later lowered that estimate to 600.
- Kuwait Times skrev den 30/8 att Hezbollah begravt 700 av sina krigare, och hade fler att begrava.
- The New York Sun skrev den 4/8 att:
Although Hezbollah has refused to make public the extent of the casualties it has suffered, Lebanese officials estimate that up to 500 fighters have been killed in the past three weeks of hostilities with Israel, and another 1,500 injured.
Lebanese officials have also disclosed that many of Hezbollah's wounded are being treated in hospitals in Syria to conceal the true extent of the casualties.They are said to have been taken through al-Arissa border crossing with the help of Syrian security forces.